Author: Paul

  • Lifeblog post

    Fri 28/01/2005 14:13 28012005 I took this photo of a cloud formation over Sandton on my way back to my office. Picture quality isn’t too bad.

  • A Christmas Card from Lawyers

    This really appeals to the lawyer in me.  I am not sure about the source or even if the firm named at the end is real so if you do know, please let me know.  Thanks! From us ("the wishors") to you ("hereinafter called the wishee"): Please accept without obligation, explicit or implicit, our best…

  • The Sculptor’s Attitude

    Here is an email that is doing the rounds.  I am sure it has been around before.  It is a good one and worth repeating: The Sculptor’s Attitude I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clockstrikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job…

  • Nokia 6630 … mine, mine, MINE!

    I have it!  It is mine and on my desk beside me.  It is mine … and oh my hat is it a sexy phone.  I will post a review when I have some more time. Update: I have posted a review of sorts here. MMC card update: I have noticed that there is some…

  • Working life – a contradiction in terms?

    I was watching "Malcolm in the Middle" the other night and there is a part where Malcolm is complaining to his mom about his new job at the same store she works at and she says something to the effect that if he thought that work is meant to be enjoyable, he is mistaken.  This…

  • Tired Wednesday Night

    I feel like I have been working almost flat out for the last month or so.  I have worked just about every day and night to get things going that I feel like I am forgetting what it feels like not to work at night.  It is late, again, and I am exhausted.  There is…

  • Jewish Zen

    I got this one from one of my colleagues.  I have seen it before and it is brilliant! 1. Let your mind be as a floating cloud.  Let your stillness be as thewooded glen.  And sit up straight.  You’ll never meet the Buddha withsuch round shoulders. 2. There is no escaping karma.  In a previous…

  • The history of Firefox

    Wired posted a really good article about Firefox and its development and as a self-proclaimed Firefox nut, it was a pleasure to read all three pages of the article.  The article is titled "The Firefox Explosion" and if you are interested in the background to Firefox as well as some more about its recent successes,…