Category: Design

  • UI differences between Web apps in Firefox and Chrome

    I was playing around with Chrome and Firefox, comparing memory usage and UI differences and noticed something in the Seesmic Web app I didn’t pick up on previously. Take a look at the scrollbars: Chrome: Firefox 4: I think I am being rapidly disabused of this notion that all Web apps are the same in…

  • Old Spice – manly visual tricks and effects

    So, you know that Old Spice Scent Vacation ad, this one? Well, Leo and Tom found out how it was made and boy, it is smart. Just like the dialogue and acting: Now go and enjoy a long, manly, fresh smelling weekend! Update: Here is another behind the scenes video:

  • iPad prices cut and boy was I wrong about Core

    David Greenway pointed me to an article on TechCentral titled “Core Group slashes iPad prices” a little earlier today. This article comes soon after I had a discussion with a couple people on Twitter about the iPad 2 and Core’s possible approach to its iPad 1 sales so soon after it started selling them in…

  • Undecided about social CRM tools Gist and Rapportive

    Although I have been using social CRM tool Rapportive in my Google Mail for a little while now, I only realised what this social CRM thing could mean for me today. Yes, there was a bit of a lag there but I am getting there. Rapportive is a very nicely integrated tool that replaces the…

  • My iPhone, Desire and the Nokia N8

    Desire, my new iPhone and the Nokia N8 I’ve been thinking about this long overdue post for a while now. I received a Nokia N8 to review a couple months ago and resisted the idea to publish a typical N8 review. There are already a number of reviews up – Nokia SA did a pretty…

  • Calvetica: a quick iPhone calendar app mention

    I am on a bit of an iPhone app kick at the moment while I wait for my iPhone’s micro-SIM to activate (just hoping I didn’t mess up the process and it has to start again on Monday). I came across this app I noticed a while ago and which looks pretty cool. I haven’t…

  • Windows Phone 7 makes other phones look quaint

    Ok, this post is a little bit of a tease but take a look at this video: Boy, this platform really ups the stakes in the design space (take that Steve Jobs!!)! Windows Phone 7 makes iOS look like Symbian and Android look like iOS. I am tempted to go back to Windows just based…

  • The little thing that really bugs me about Firefox 4 beta 6

    Its funny how the little things really bug me. I noticed a little thing in Firefox 4 which bugs me so much I just refuse to use the browser (and desperately hope it is on the design team’s list of things to sort out) for the most part. It all comes down to this unused…