Category: Events and Life

  • Never be afraid to hug your daughter

    I’m reading The Great Discontent interview with Merlin Mann (an inspiration) and just read this bit that I love: When my wife and I found out that we were having a girl—and I hope this doesn’t sound sexist or anything—the women I talked to all said the same thing: “Never be afraid to hug your…

  • Happy childhood flower memories

    One of my favourite flowers. Lots of good childhood feelings associated with these flowers’ scent.

  • Envision, create and believe in your own universe

    I’m reading Tony Hsieh’s book, “Delivering Happiness” and love this advice he received from a guest at his 1999 New Year party: Envision, create and believe in your own universe and the Universe will form around you

  • Don't shrink, be bold and dare mighty things

    Lately I’ve been thinking about where I want to take my business and the work I want to do through Web•Tech•Law. The models I have in mind are evolving almost daily and with each conversation I have with some pretty amazing people (today, for example, I had an opportunity to chat to Danie Roux about…

  • A couple thoughts about mindfulness

    Mindfulness is the best thing you can do for yourself. That practice of just being mindful of what you do, why you do it and reaching down into who you are will also radically change your life. It takes a lot of time and persistence and it really pays off. Be mindful of the things…

  • #SocialSA – a briefing on the social media landscape

    I joined a terrific group of marketers, strategists and other creative and smart people at today’s Social Media briefing which was held at Deloitte’s campus in Woodmead. You fairly rarely find yourself in a conference like this where practically every speaker holds your attention and inspires more thought and debate about their areas of expertise.…

  • Advice for new lawyers about passion

    I receive emails from young lawyers and law students asking me for advice on how best to enter the profession and focus on Internet/digital legal work, from time to time. I generally give the same answer and when I received an email from an aspiring lawyer recently, I thought I’d publish part of my response…

  • Is it getting harder to unplug?

    Portable and soon wearable computers. Wanna unplug? It’s going to get harder to do so Photo titled “Plugged In” and quote by Matt Champlin.