Category: Photography

  • Into the Danger Zone

    This photo takes me right back to Iron Eagle, back in the day. I still think of this movie when I listen to Queen’s “One Vision”:

  • New Adobe Color Profiles for Lightroom

    I just watched this video about Adobe’s updated colour profiles, and it’s a really interesting update for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop users! I’m editing some photos from a morning jaunt with our kids and our new puppy in the park, and I like the new options. I hadn’t thought about colour profiles before, and now…

  • Light catchers

    I really like my wife’s latest DIY project: these colourful light catchers.

  • Organ music and roller skating at the Moonlight Rollerway

    I love stories like this one about the Moonlight Rollerway by Lisa Whiteman. Mostly I enjoy the photographs of what seems to be to be fragments of Americana/American nostalgia that speak to a very different time.

  • 100 Lightroom presets and nothing looks good

    100 Lightroom presets and nothing looks good

    Today is turning out to be one of those rare days when none of my Lightroom presets look vaguely appealing.

  • A passing view of Park Annabe

    A passing view of Park Annabe

    I had a couple things to do in the city this morning and my route took me past Park Annabe, one of Modi’in’s central features. I was greeted with a pretty spectacular view and thought I’d share it.

  • City benches

    City benches

    I went for a walk to drop off some library books. The machine that I wanted to use to drop off the books was out of order. I found some decorated, though weathered, city benches along the way.

  • Breathing colour into historical photographs

    Breathing colour into historical photographs

    Colourised historical photographs really bring old black and white photographs to life. Some people prefer the original black and white versions and they certainly have value. Still, these colourised versions are wonderful.