Author: Paul

  • Blogs still not widely read

    According to eMarketer: "A new poll conducted by CNN, USA Today and Gallup uncovers some surprising data about blog readership in the US. Few US adults are aware of blogs — just 7% say they are "very familiar" with them, compared to 56% who say they are "not at all familiar." Similarly, few read blogs…

  • d2 redefined

    I don’t remember when I added the d2 redefined blog to my NewsGator feeds.  I have been working to get through the majority of the feeds I have subscribed to and thoroughly enjoyed reading Martin’s posts.  In addition, his site must be one of the coolest sites I have ever seen! I have flagged some…

  • ecto: early days

    I mentioned that I was going to download ecto and try it out.  A number of people recommended it to me (thanks to Rich and Michael) and while I don’t doubt their experiences have been great, mine didn’t get off to a good start.  I suspect it may have to do with me using a…

  • Are some more human than others?

    I watched a shocking story on Carte Blanche tonight about a man who was placed in charge of the UN Peacekeepers in Rwanda about a decade ago, Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire.  This retired general told how the UN failed to commit sufficient resources to stop the massive genocide that took place in Rwanda all those years…

  • Gay Goodies

    I was at the local flea market and came across this stall run by the proprietors of Gay Goodies.  They had a variety of things for sale, almost all with the rainbow flag design.  They had beaded/wireworks animals (like the ones in my logo), flags and items of clothing.  I had to take a picture…

  • Off to bed …

    It is yet another late night and I have to restart my PC after installing a service pack for .Net Framework (these restarts bug me because I connect using a dial-up connection and everytime I have to reconnect, it costs me more). Later today (considering it is already ‘tomorrow’), I am going to install ecto…

  • Focus on what you really desire

    In a very recent issue of Fortune magazine, Jim Collins revealed the best advice he ever got.  He was fortunate to be invited to meet Peter Drucker, the management guru, in California in 1994.  At the time, Collins was considering starting a consulting firm hot on the heels of his book, "Built to Last".  Drucker…

  • Posting in other ways

    Ok, it is late here (about 1:08AM) and my eyes are closing.  Before I go, I saw a mention of a possibility that I could post to TypePad without using the Web interface.  I know it is possible to post by email.  Does anyone know other ways to post to a TypePad blog using simple…