
Scoble has a post which mirrors my own feelings the last week or two:

Louis Gray asks if leading bloggers are getting “blog fatigue?”

It’s worse than that. I’m just really tired — I’ve spread myself too thin in too many different directions. A new kid on the way is staring me in the face, too. So is my email. Everytime I sit down to do an email two more come in. It’s really amazing. The other day I answered a ton of email on the plane (I’m far more productive on the plane, no Twitter is there to interrupt me) and when I reconnected about 1.5x as many as I answered came back! Hint: the answer to email overload is not to answer any email. Yikes.

I wouldn’t say I have quite the same challenges in the same proportions as Scoble does but I do know how he feels. The last few weeks and months have been a bit nutty. I have a number of projects in various stages of development in addition to my determination to blog more often (at least enough to keep my blogs ticking over) and I haven’t exactly been in control at all times. I took the day off on Friday to relax a bit and I think it was a really good idea. My laptop was off until that evening and that felt pretty good too.

I printed out and read three manifestos from Change This including Seth Godin’s manifesto based on his new book, The Dip, and Tim Ferriss’ manifesto titled “The Low-Information Diet: How to Eliminate E-Mail Overload and Triple Productivity in 24 Hours“. I see Scoble mentioned Tim Ferriss in his post. I really enjoyed both of these manifestos (I won’t name the third – I really didn’t think it was very good) and both gave me good thought food. Ferriss’ manifesto in particular has a number of good tips on how to manage email flows and I look forward to implementing some of them (although I don’t think I will ever get to a point where I only check email once a week).

One important thing I realised was that if you are going to take a break from work you really should take at least a day off at some point and take the whole day off. I have been working virtually every day on something and while I haven’t been working 24/7, each day involved work of some kind and the gaps in between don’t add up to a real break.

Anyway, I have had my breather and I am ready to jump back in now …

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  1. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I’m glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.

    I’ve had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don’t want to get in the cycle of posting for posting’s sake. I don’t want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don’t get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  2. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I’m glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.

    I’ve had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don’t want to get in the cycle of posting for posting’s sake. I don’t want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don’t get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  3. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I’m glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.

    I’ve had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don’t want to get in the cycle of posting for posting’s sake. I don’t want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don’t get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  4. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I'm glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.I've had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don't want to get in the cycle of posting for posting's sake. I don't want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don't get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  5. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I’m glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.

    I’ve had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don’t want to get in the cycle of posting for posting’s sake. I don’t want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don’t get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  6. Louis Gray avatar

    Fatigue is something we all have to deal with now and again, whether its from too many demands at work, at home or on the Web. That some of the pioneers in the blog space are feeling a pinch on their time is no surprise. I'm glad Robert Scoble was open on his feelings of the crunch, and was open to suggestions on how he can best continue his blog while being all things to all people.

    I've had blog fatigue at times, and have missed a few days in a row. But getting back to it is just as fun, so long as I have something to contribute. I don't want to get in the cycle of posting for posting's sake. I don't want to become a collector of links, without adding value. And the truth is, I don't get paid to blog, so doing things for pay usually takes precedence. A lot of folks who thought they were going to get rich from AdSense are up for a rude awakening.

  7. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  8. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  9. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  10. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  11. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

  12. Paul avatar

    Louis, you express thoughts I have all the time. Thank you for dropping by and commenting.

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