Tag: google+

  • Scoble opens a can of whupass on Google for Eventsgate

    Google didn’t really think through the new Google+ Events feature when it rolled it out last week. Google also seems not to have actually tested it with real people either because when users started playing with it and flooding Google+ streams with invitations, events apparently started popping up in recipients’ Google Calendar. I didn’t see…

  • The bears are getting tired

    I love this quote by John Scalzi in response to the deluge of Google+ Events invitations the other day: My newest circle is “People who send me a ‘test’ Google Events Invite, and must therefore be torn apart by ravenous bears.” Try not to be in it. The bears are getting tired. Brilliant!

  • Google Plus numbers: Not bad for a 1 year old ghost town

    It turns out I am not the only person in South Africa using Google+ (well, it’s not news to me, I use Google+) and, today, Google released some useful numbers about it’s service, which turns 1 tomorrow. Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice-President of Social Business for Google, announced these numbers at Google I/O which kicked off…

  • Did I jinx Google+

    I realised that one of the reasons I am a little apprehensive about getting too excited about Google+ is that I have a history of getting excited about services and how much better they are at certain things than, say, Twitter only to find the services are bought out, fade away or just die. Illustrations…

  • The new Google Plus design looks a little like Facebook's Timeline

    You’ve probably started seeing tweets and posts about the new Google+ design. It’s live on my profile and this is what it looks like for me: The new Google+ design feels a little claustrophobic. The top and left bars seem to make the middle panel that much smaller. I also can’t help but notice the…

  • Hangouts, an alternative to regular client office visits

    I work at a client’s offices in Fourways once a week. The idea is to be in the office working so people can discuss issues with me on an ad hoc basis and so I can touch base with my client’s management on important issues. I love being in their space, its a dynamic client…

  • Microsoft says to beware of the Googlighting Stranger

    Sometimes its a good thing not to have competitive advertising. Wow, this is a hectic ad that doesn’t pull punches. The new, edgier and more pissed off Microsoft.