Tag: Customers

  • IFTTT v Pinboard Redux – Contracts and Condescension

    IFTTT v Pinboard Redux – Contracts and Condescension

    When I wrote about the IFTTT v Pinboard standoff yesterday, I didn’t spend much time on the contract stuff in my article. Here are a few more thoughts about just how objectionable those contract clauses are and why I believe we are the ones caught in the middle of this mess.

  • What @picknpay Norwood can do to suck less

    I have a strained relationship with the Norwood Pick ‘n Pay store (its mostly on my side). I shop there because of its selection and because it is less than 4 minutes from my house by car. Unfortunately, shopping at this store is a pretty unpleasant experience. In the vernacular, it sucks. I had a…

  • Feedback from Dis-Chem after our incident

    I just received a call from Stan (I forgot his last name), a Dis-Chem director, after some intervention by Kerry Haggard who had her own experience with the Norwood Dis-Chem last week. The call was to find out about our terrible experience at the same Dis-Chem store a little while ago. I explained what happened…

  • Quiet moment @cerebra

    I’m working at Cerebra this morning. The power went out just after a storm and, for a short time, the office was almost totally quiet. I looked up and saw this (the PR team in the foreground).

  • Shopping malls and limitations of social media

    I recently published a post about what I regard as silly rules about not being able to take photographs in shopping malls/centres. I have been reprimanded for taking photos in Melrose Arch (a very photogenic centre/complex), Balfour Park and Killarney Mall. The response (or lack thereof) which I received to my posts/tweets has been an…

  • How the Seattle Coffee Co. (Killarney Mall) ripped me off!

    I’ve been a Seattle Coffee Co. fan for years now. My favourite store is the Hyde Park Corner store followed by Rosebank, Nelson Mandela Square and Killarney Mall stores tied for 2nd. I’ve probably been a Seattle fan since the chain opened in Joburg and I have had pretty much the same thing for most…

  • All are welcome at Mugg & Bean – repost

    My wife and I had breakfast at the Mugg & Bean in Killarney on Sunday.  We overheard an anti-semitic comment from someone we thought was a Mugg & Bean person and I published a blog post about it on my personal blog which I have subsequently updated for reasons that will become clear when you…

  • Crazy talk about employers

    I have been having crazy thoughts about employers (in the broad sense considering I am not employed by anyone – I am self-employed) lately. Many of these thoughts are similar to other crazy thoughts I have had about being a customer so maybe there are some parallels here … Wouldn’t it be something if the…