Category: Web/Tech

  • Still working on a more convenient publishing workflow on mobile

    Still working on a more convenient publishing workflow on mobile

    My publishing workflow for my site on desktop is convenient enough. I’d love to be able to share on mobile as conveniently. I’m just not there yet. That’s probably why this quote resonates with me: This is important. I need to enjoy the workflow and publishing experience. For me, it’s technical and I want to…

  • It makes no difference

    It makes no difference

    This quote echoes my inner musings about my blog lately (as much as I love having my own space on the Web): Seriously, who cares when anything on my site got posted. For the vast majority of things I’m writing it makes absolutely no difference what-so-ever.  My blog is a digital garden, not a…

  • How Wes Bos built his new site

    How Wes Bos built his new site

    I’ve followed Wes Bos for a couple years now. I bought several of his courses, and look forward to when I have time to do his Beginner JavaScript — Learn JavaScript from Scratch course. He recently rebuilt his personal site using Gatsby.JS, and published both a post and a video explaining how he did it:…

  • When your iPad is your computer

    When your iPad is your computer

    The recent iPad updates are pretty interesting. I wouldn’t consider using an iPad as my primary computer for various reasons. At the same time, I can see the latest iPad, along with the keyboard and mouse (?) support as a primary computer for people with pretty straightforward or general requirements. iPads are like netbooks In…

  • Just geek out and walk

    Just geek out and walk

    I just went out for a walk in a nearby park. That shouldn’t be particularly noteworthy except for the times we find ourselves in. What made the walk especially enjoyable (well, aside from being out in glorious weather), was the opportunity to just geek out over this interview with Felicia Day on the Id10t podcast…

  • A few more thoughts about my Garmin Vivoactive 4

    A few more thoughts about my Garmin Vivoactive 4

    I’ve had my Garmin Vivoactive 4 for just over two months now, and I thought I’d share a couple more thoughts about this device. To begin with, I still really enjoy using this watch. I’m very glad that I bought it, and I find it enormously helpful, day to day. I’ve been running pretty regularly,…

  • Switching from a Fitbit Charge to a Garmin Vivoactive 4

    Switching from a Fitbit Charge to a Garmin Vivoactive 4

    Change happens As you may remember, I bought a Fitbit Charge 3 in October 2018. I hadn’t worn a watch, let alone a fitness tracker like this, before that. I soon came to enjoy having it, and the data it gave me. Unfortunately, the screen stopped working soon after the warranty expired on the device,…

  • How to send a Webmention in comments?

    How to send a Webmention in comments?

    I’ve had Webmentions enabled on this site for some time now. Sending a Webmention is pretty straightforward thanks to plugins like Webmention for WordPress and Semantic-Linkbacks. The question is how to send Webmentions in comments when someone replies to one of my posts? 🤔 I reached out to Chris Aldrich on Twitter, and he pointed…