Category: Entertainment

  • Correlation between being gay and being a computer user?

    I noticed this odd book section placement at Exclusive Books in Rosebank The Zone. Is this a trend?

  • Robin Williams' take on Siri

    I love Robin Williams’ take on Siri on a recent episode of the Ellen Show. It would be great to see a longer segment but this is pretty funny:

  • Conan O'Brien interviews Jeff Goldblum and gets his nails clipped

    I love Conan O’Brien’s interviews and this interview with Jeff Goldblum is a little weird but fun:

  • The lonely dictator

    I just came across this video and its brilliant, just like virtually all Nandos ads:

  • The porn folder

    I have a growing appreciation for, being a late discovery for me. This one is funny for so many reasons, many of which only true geeks would appreciate:

  • Put down your phone, get some perspective on social media

    Louis CK, fast becoming one of my favorite comedians, made a terrific point about social media and perspective on Conan O’Brien’s show recently: we lack perspective for the most part and should probably put our phones down once in a while and look at the world around us. Just for a bit. I am definitely…

  • Moving beyond physical media

    I received Thor from Amazon today and headed off to my nearest iStore to buy an external SuperDrive for my MacBook Air so I could sneak a peak at the movie over lunch. I walked in, took down the R799 item from the shelf and noticed how hefty it felt in my hand. Looking at…

  • The Flatley chronicles

    I have been listening to music from Lord of the Dance and pulled up a video of one of the scenes, Cry of the Celts. It reminded me about a performance on Britain’s Got Talent 2009 which was a brilliant parody of the original. Take a little time and watch these two, they are both…