Tag: trolls

  • Rethinking Mastodon

    Rethinking Mastodon

    I’ve been pretty interested in Mastodon as a Twitter alternative, at least until I noticed Brent Simmons’ post. He linked to Wil Wheaton’s post titled “The world is a terrible place right now, and that’s largely because it is what we make it” in which Wheaton described a particularly unpleasant, and unexpected experience on Mastodon:…

  • When Even Planetary Scientists Are Driven From Twitter

    Not too long ago, I wrote about how I was seeing so much value in Twitter because of the people I choose to follow. One of the highlights of my Twitter feed has been Dr Sarah Hörst, a Planetary Scientist at Johns Hopkins University. Sarah is an inspiration, and I enjoy her tweets tremendously. She…

  • Juliet’s campaign against United and breastfeeding trolls

    Juliet’s campaign against United and breastfeeding trolls

    Juliet Thompson sent me an update about her campaign against United Airlines after she was harassed for breastfeeding her baby on a flight recently. She said I could share it with you.

  • The Daily Maverick’s response to trolls

    Shutting down comments won’t stop trolls from being trolls but it will force them out into other fora and deprive them of the opportunity to spoil an otherwise valiant enterprise.

  • When you are the troll

    There are days when the filters between impulse to tweet and actually tweeting stuff take a break and I behave like a self-righteous ass. Today was one of those days. I was at Pick ‘n Pay Norwood where I am practically conditioned to be agitated and found myself in long queues with cranky kids and…

  • An appropriate response to Richard Catto's tweets

    General consensus when it comes to people like Richard Catto online is “don’t feed the trolls”. That usually means you don’t engage or even acknowledge their existence. I adopt that approach for the most part but after reading some of Catto’s tweets in Sarah Britten’s post about free expression on Twitter, I chose this option:…