Tag: photographers

  • Remarkable Formula 1 Photographers

    Remarkable Formula 1 Photographers

    I just watched a YouTube video featuring three photographers who capture Formula 1 races: Vladimir Rys, Qian Jun, and Mark Thompson. Of the three, I really like Vladimir Rys’ style, with his emphasis on the shadows, and underexposing the images in varying degrees. Here’s an example: unsplash-logoFeatured image by Chantel Lucas

  • Erik Witsoe’s timeless photography

    Erik Witsoe’s timeless photography

    One of the photographers I follow is Erik Witsoe. I see his work when I scroll through my Flickr feed, and I really like his style. His “Time Pieces” photograph caught my attention this morning: Here are two more that I pulled from his Flickr feed: You can also follow his blog for stories behind…

  • Great tips for newbie photographers

    I just read Simon Dingle’s terrific post titled “Choosing a first DSLR” and it is definitely worth reading if you are thinking about buying your first DSLR camera. I sort of went through this process in December when I decided to splurge on a DSLR after years with Canon point and shoot cameras and my…