Category: Mindsets

  • When the sound of chewing drives you crazy

    When the sound of chewing drives you crazy

    I’m definitely one of those people who find the sound of chewing infuriating. I have moments when it’s tolerable but, for the most part, it drives me crazy. Irrationally so. It turns out, this may be as much of a biological thing, as it is a psychological thing (and yet another thing to add to…

  • Nice, sunny day to be outdoors

    Nice, sunny day to be outdoors

    I’ve taken a couple days off this week to decompress after what feels like a pretty intense six months or so at work. Today turned out to be a really nice, warm day (we have rain and cold weather forecast for the rest of the week), so I went for a walk this morning. This…

  • Like Twitter, but for reading (and not in a good way)

    Like Twitter, but for reading (and not in a good way)

    Jamie Rubin recently wrote about abridgement going too far when it comes to books in his post “Abridge, Too Far“. I’ve been thinking about abridgments lately because of an ad that keeps popping up on Facebook. It’s for a service called Blinkist. The service claims it allows you to “fit reading into your life.” It…

  • A vague Notion of a more productive system

    A vague Notion of a more productive system

    I spent a little time in my Pocket recommendations, and found this great post by Marie Poulin titled “One Tool To Rule Them All” and her, and her partner’s search for a more effective, more complete productivity solution. Along the way, she considered Bullet Journals. I wanted to get on the bullet journal bandwagon, but…

  • “Create the kind of communities and ideas you want people to talk about”

    “Create the kind of communities and ideas you want people to talk about”

    I’ve had an idea in my task list for a week or so now, and I just haven’t made the time to write about it, at least not as I originally intended when I read the post that inspired it. Jamie Rubin wrote his post titled “A Vision for Blogging in 2019” a few weeks…

  • New Year’s resolutions are a little weird, and arbitrary

    New Year’s resolutions are a little weird, and arbitrary

    New Year’s resolutions are a little weird. We pick this convenient change from one year to the next, and declare our intentions to do more or better. I’m not sure that we give much thought to why we pick this one date as the time for this rededication to some form of self-improvement. New Year’s…

  • Great Spotify playlist to relax and unwind with

    Great Spotify playlist to relax and unwind with

    I really like this Relax & Unwind playlist on Spotify. Aside for it’s obvious purpose, I like it as a general purpose/background music/atmosphere playlist: unsplash-logoFeatured image by Clem Onojeghuo

  • Some perspective on Facebook to for the maddening crowds

    Some perspective on Facebook to for the maddening crowds

    It’s almost fashionable to bash Facebook at the moment. To a large degree, the criticism is well deserved. At the same time, we should maintain some perspective on the reports, and resist the urge to be carried away by the maddening crowds. I read Jeff Jarvis’ post titled “Facebook. Sigh.” recently. He makes an argument…