Tag: teaching

  • Teaching kids fractions

    Teaching kids fractions

    Our son is learning fractions at school. He’s finding them a little challenging, so I’ve been trying to help him. On one hand, my math knowledge still seems to be sufficient at his level. On the other, I don’t remember doing this stuff like he does it at school. I found a couple links that…

  • When kids start treating the staff poorly

    When kids start treating the staff poorly

    Reconcilable Differences #66, titled “Inherent Injustice”, is both hilarious and cringeworthy for parents. The hosts, Merlin Mann and John Siracusa, were talking about raising young kids, setting examples for them, and issuing parental edicts.

  • My daughter can be a princess if she wants to be

    My daughter can be a princess if she wants to be

    Rian wrote a thought-provoking post titled “Thoughts on being a terrible dad” which touches on something most parents probably feel: frustration at being told how to raise our kids: My daughters love princesses, and I sometimes tell them to be careful. According to the internet, this makes me a terrible father. And I’m getting a…