Tag: personal website

  • The blog helped build the Web, not break it

    The blog helped build the Web, not break it

    I read some wonderful ideas about personal sites as cultivated digital gardens over the weekend (here, here, here, and here), and one post that was linked to in one of these posts caught my attention. It was Amy Hoy’s post titled “Stacking the Bricks: How the Blog Broke the Web“. We built every new page…

  • Your journey into the Personal-Website-Verse

    Your journey into the Personal-Website-Verse

    I really enjoyed reading Matthias Ott’s post titled Into the Personal-Website-Verse. It’s an essay about why it’s so important to have your own space on the Web, and why IndieWeb is a great way to get there. It’s well worth the read. There are many reasons to have your own site, at your own domain,…

  • Make your Web

    Make your Web

    I enjoyed Tantek Çelik‘s recent talk at beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 2019. If you’re interested in the IndieWeb, or just curious why having a personal site is still so important, make yourself a beverage and enjoy: Featured image: IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018 | Day 1 by tollwerk GmbH, licensed CC BY NC SA 2.0

  • Another reason to have your own website

    Another reason to have your own website

    Brad Frost wrote about the value of having your own website the other day. This quote stands out: Writing on your own website associates your thoughts and ideas with you as a person. Having a distinct website design helps strengthen that association. Brad Frost I had a conversation with someone recently about their site. They…

  • Why we should return to personal websites (Reason 1220)

    Why we should return to personal websites (Reason 1220)

    I enjoyed “We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites“. It speaks to what I’m partially aiming for with this blog. My original sin wasn’t making a Facebook account, it was abandoning my own website that I controlled (the original site was hosted on Tripod, but if I had to do it all over again, I’d…