Tag: News

  • When 140 characters are not enough to rant

    When 140 characters are not enough to rant

    It would be great if Twitter stopped counting links in the 140 characters tweet limit but the prospect of that happening really doesn’t justify the media frenzy. Really, people!

  • IFTTT v Pinboard – BFFs again

    IFTTT v Pinboard – BFFs again

    What began as IFTTT v Pinboard seems to have transitioned to “IFTTT and Pinboard” as the two services reached some sort of agreement last week to preserve some level of integration between the two services and keep Pinboard connected to IFTTT beyond the initial transition deadline.

  • Updates about “Stuff to Teach Our Kids”

    Updates about “Stuff to Teach Our Kids”

    A quick update about my little project.

  • Why do you use Twitter?

    Why do you use Twitter?

    I’ve been thinking about why I use Twitter for about as long as I’ve been using Twitter and I don’t have any real answers yet. That said, it’s a conversation worth having.

  • The Daily Maverick’s response to trolls

    Shutting down comments won’t stop trolls from being trolls but it will force them out into other fora and deprive them of the opportunity to spoil an otherwise valiant enterprise.

  • Arrivals in Tel Aviv

    We’ve had a pretty busy couple months culminating in a move to Israel in December. I have a couple albums which I’ll start posting soon. In the meantime, this photo of the arrivals hall in Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv stood out for me when I was editing my photos this morning. I think…

  • The problem with Apple rumours

    In the lead up to a rumoured Apple event on 7 March the rumour mills are cranking away on far too many energy drinks and Apple fan people are lapping it all up and accepting it all as gospel. This happens every time there is something that looks like an Apple event and particularly with…

  • Quote for the day thanks to Daily Maverick

    I subscribe to 3 or 4 email newsletters: The Daily Maverick’s First Thing, TechCentral, Missing Link’s Preso Rock Gods and maybe one other. The first three are worth getting. They have great content, are not spammy and are entertaining. This morning First Thing had the following gem which is typical of the humor I have…