Tag: Gareth Cliff

  • Hey IOL, it’s ok to link to Gareth Cliff’s blog post

    Hey IOL, it’s ok to link to Gareth Cliff’s blog post

    IOL mentioned and quoted from Gareth Cliff’s blog post about his dismissal from M-Net’s “Idols” without the courtesy of a link to his blog post. This devalues his work and undermines the Web’s link economy. It is also not great journalism.

  • A lesson on how to behave when caught speeding from @garethcliff

    I just watched Gareth Cliff’s arrest video and what strikes me is that he doesn’t behave like a self-righteous celeb when he is arrested (at least, we didn’t see anything in the video suggesting he behaved like that) and when he was interviewed afterwards, he basically said he was careless and accepted that there will…