Tag: feedback

  • Feedback that inspires me to be a better blogger

    Feedback that inspires me to be a better blogger

    I enjoy blogging because I enjoy sharing things that interest me. My blog has a pretty modest following, and I like receiving feedback on posts that resonate with readers. This evening, I opened Twitter for some reason, and noticed this wonderful tweet from Jamie Rubin, a writer, blogger, and stimulus for my Field Notes obsession:…

  • A feed reader that lets me comment and like?

    A feed reader that lets me comment and like?

    I use Feedly to subscribe to sites that I follow. I was just reading through some of the feeds, and I realised that I don’t seem to have a way to give feedback on posts, from Feedly. For example, if I read something that I like, I’d like to, well, “Like” the post, or leave…

  • The Daily Maverick’s response to trolls

    Shutting down comments won’t stop trolls from being trolls but it will force them out into other fora and deprive them of the opportunity to spoil an otherwise valiant enterprise.

  • Knee-jerk asshole responses online

    How often do we see this approach to stuff that comes up in our online streams? Far too often, I think: The web runs on newness, but the massive quantity and disagreeable structure we place on that newness (cough streams) means it’s very easy to have your stance online become, as my friend Jason likes…