How I use Obsidian for Dungeons and Dragons games

After exploring Notion and Dynalist for my game preparation for Dungeons and Dragons games, I’ve settled on Obsidian for Dungeons and Dragons games, as my preferred tool.

There are other amazing tools for sure. This is the one that best fits how I like to prepare my games, and I thought I’d share that in this video:

If you’d like to watch how to use Notion for D&D game preparation, the best demonstration I have come across is this one by Mike Shea, also known as Sly Flourish:

I am working on refining my game preparation using the approach encapsulated in Mike Shea’s book, The Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master.

You’ll see elements of that in my Obsidian notes, although I rarely achieve the levels of simplicity that Shea advocates. This is very much a work in progress.

For more information about each of these apps, take a look here:


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