My new Twenty Twenty look

I decided to switch my site over to the new Twenty Twenty theme that will be released with WordPress 5.3 next week. I downloaded a pre-release version from the GitHub repo, and uploaded it directly.

A fresh coat of Twenty Twenty

I like the default themes that ship with WordPress, and the themes that our team is building. Even though the new generation of themes aren’t perfect*, they’re built for the block editor. I keep forgetting how much flexibility that brings to WordPress.

Preview of the Twenty Twenty theme.

So far, I like this new theme. I think the content container is a bit narrow on a larger screen, so I may tweak that a bit. The mobile view is pretty great, though.

Main image by Anna Kolosyuk

For example, I’d love to see custom fonts return to the Customizer, although with Full Site Editing on the way, we won’t be using the Customizer for much longer.






4 responses to “My new Twenty Twenty look

  1. Sven Seebeck avatar

    It does look nice! I’m looking forward to give it a try myself even though I’m rather happy with 2019 still. Just hope the theme will be on WP.COM next week as well.

    1. Paul avatar

      I was also using Twenty Nineteen before this one. It worked pretty well for me. The content width felt more comfortable.

      Still, I like aspects of Twenty Twenty a bit more, and I can tweak the content width with some CSS.

  2. Aprenderconrobots avatar

    Looks great! Maybe I try it on my website.

  3. is having a major ux right now (@yes_marcin) avatar

    it needs a sidebar. vanilla wordpress is still centered on blogging and long form content. a sidebar can help users navigate content on a page, in addition to showing them relevant cross-links.

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