The Rosebank commuter

I grouped some of the photos I took this morning together into a set I’m calling “The Rosebank commuter”. It’s a working title, really, and it extends a couple photos I took while I was waiting for the train at the Rhodesfield Gautrain station a while ago which I titled “The commuter”.

I initially titled photos of one particular person “The Rosebank commuter” and as I edited more of my photos and came up with these particular ones I started thinking that, perhaps, the Rosebank commuter isn’t just one arbitrarily chosen commuter but rather a sort of multi-faceted personality and each of these people represent one of those facets.

You don’t really have to overthink it quite like I have, it’s just a thought that occurred to me while I was editing. I would like to know what you think about the photos?


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