City Press reveals Julius Malema's corruption

Update: I just published a few preliminary thoughts about the legal implications of the judgment on in my post titled “Privacy, freedom of expression and Julius Malema’s failed City Press gag attempt“.

Just reading the City Press’ articles about Julius Malema’s trust fund and came across this nugget:

The other source, a seasoned businessman who moves in Malema’s circle of friends and associates, told City Press he deposited R200 000 into the trust’s bank account after Malema facilitated a government tender for his benefit.

According to him, there are at least 20 other business people who do the same.

He said Malema sent him the number of the bank account via SMS. After depositing the money, Malema allegedly thanked him – also via an SMS (see Page 4).

If that doesn’t point to corruption or, at the very least, undesirable behaviour then I don’t know what does. And the sad thing is that Malema’s will retain his support, will continue making personal attacks on his critics and will gain even more influence. I blame our current government for that (well, the ANC but it sees no distinction between it and the government). The ANC has fostered radicals like Malema, now we all have to suffer them.

Here are the links to 3 of the articles:







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