Facebook Friendship Pages are awesome!

I noticed a reference to Facebook’s Friendship Pages in a message Sam Beckbessinger posted on Facebook. It took me a little while to figure out how to view these pages (I found a link almost by accident) and when I saw one of these pages, it really blew my hair back. This is really cool functionality and I like it a lot!

Today I’m excited to be launching Friendship Pages. They contain the public Wall posts and comments between two friends, photos in which both are tagged, Events they RSVP’d for together and more. You’ll be able to see a friendship page if you are friends with one of the people and have permission to view both people’s profiles.



When it’s between two people who share a lot, the page really starts to reflect their friendship. You can find a friendship page from links under relevant Wall posts, under relationship stories and under the main photo on a friend’s profile page.

I don’t know what the privacy or other implications are (I picked up on this about 10 minutes ago) but this makes Facebook very cool. These Friendship Pages give you a great view of your and your friend’s posts in a single page. Facebook even locates a profile photo for the page based on whether you were both tagged in the photo. It references wall posts posted by the one and referencing the other; events you are both going to and so on.

I like this feature a lot and it doesn’t seem to be a widely known feature.






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