Getting smarter in Cape Town with GetSmarter

I am wrapping up my trip to Cape Town to record video lectures and meet the GetSmarter team in preparation for the Internet and the Law course which I am convening in the next few months. It has been great to be back in Cape Town for a few days and I had a chance to spend some time with my brother, Asher, and his girlfriend, Megan. I basically spent about 2 days in meetings with GetSmarter teams and recording video lectures for the course (more information here).

Drive to the GetSmarter offices

I took a couple photos of the offices which I really like. The offices are largely open plan and they have flat screens on the walls with analytics data and information about interest and registration in the various courses GetSmarter facilitates.

GetSmarter marketing team
Rest of the GetSmarter team

Its been a pretty busy last few days and I am exhausted and looking forward to going home today to my family. Its been a terrific experience though and I am looking forward to the course kicking off next month.






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