WordPress 3.0 releases and I'm trying a new theme

I noticed that WordPress 3.0 released and I upgraded my blog immediately using the fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-don’t-try-this-at-home-kids method of just upgrading automatically without making a complete backup first. Fortunately it worked and I didn’t lose almost 6 years of blog posts.

I decided to change my theme on the blog and I adapted the default Twenty Ten theme. I know it is the default and only really lame people use default themes instead of stellar custom themes from excellent design houses like WooThemes and Obox Design but I like this theme and the font in particular. I also like the wide main panel. I don’t know quite how wide it is yet but I like being able to post larger images and videos on my blog.

I particularly like the banner image I am using. This image is a cropped version of Thomas Hawk’s photograph titled Emeryville. This photograph is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 2.0 license. Hawk is a terrific photographer and he has licensed his photos under a Creative Commons license on his Flickr page.

I was trying to decide on a custom image to use as my banner image and went with this one. I’ll probably change banner images from time to time but, for now, this one works for me. It isn’t really a tech focused image but the different coloured and shaped buildings speak to the variety of my content which still has a common thread.



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