Off to the 27 Dinner with some geeks tonight

We’re heading off to the 27 Dinner tonight like half of Joburg geekdom. I’m looking forward to it partly because we are going to hear from Justin Spratt and Google’s new country manager, Stephen Newton (please no Google PR speak??!). I’ll probably be posting to FriendFeed as we go (look for the comments to this entry in my FriendFeed stream). I am also going to mess around a little more with Qik and try shoot some streaming video on my N97.

I thought I’d try something a little different with FriendFeed tonight and give you am embed of the search channel I set up on FriendFeed for the 27 Dinner. This channel looks for any mentions of “27 dinner” or “27dinner” and includes them:

It should also update dynamically as more entries are added to it.


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