How your Nokia N97 is built and prepared to ship to you

I just noticed this video showing how your Nokia N97 is assembled and prepared to be shipped to you. This is a rare look at Nokia’s assembly line and worth watching. I linked to this video from the Nokia Conversations blog which posted this background to the video:

Carita, from the Nokia Conversations team, was invited to the Nokia factory in Salo, in southwest Finland, where she was able to watch the Nokia N97 be assembled.

In the video (see below), you can follow Carita’s progress as she follows the Nokia N97 from the assembly table, through packaging, to crating, inspection, batch testing, and onto pallets on the truck.

We think this is probably the first time Nokia has shown any device being manufactured in its factory. We hope you enjoy it!

According to the Nokia Conversations blog, N97s are shipping to 75 countries (including South Africa, I believe) as I type this. They are only likely to arrive in SA stores in a month or two but they are on the move.

I found out about this story from JP Sipponen (he is the man leading the Nokia Nseries team) via his Twitter stream. Be sure to follow him, he had some great insights for me into his team’s development process in a recent interview he was kind enough to grant me in Dubai and which I hope to share soon here on this blog.



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