Great blog Paul. I definitely agree with you on moral relativism, perhaps not so much the “absolutes” to believe in because I'm afraid those don't exist even if common sense / logic / the heart instruct otherwise and are also relativistic and bound to cultural “dominions”..The Moral Relativism you speak of is embedded within the “passionate” rhetoric the so called “socialists” in this country employ. The same individuals who purposefully position themselves as underdogs with a perpetual struggle to overcome in order to utilize the good vs. baddy public communications strategy and thus strike a chord with the voting public, or “the underdogs”. I guess the moral relativism comes into play if you step into the shoes of a money grabbing politician; if one has to accept bribes in order to speak about the plight of the poor, then by god one must do so! Even if it requires driving a mercedes benz and hiding in the shade when your commie friends come to visit. I think what I'm most frightened of is the absence of morals, and the diminishing value attributed to the human life in this country. This is of course linked to your point about the judiciary which in a perfect world world would be left to its own devices and performing a functional role of retaining the status quo of a civil and obedient society…Oh Mr Durkheim and Mr Kant if you could see South Africa, Mr de Sade was soo right about the future