
I watched an episode of MacBreak this morning and Leo and Merlin were discussing an awesome Mac app called TextExpander which is basically a text replacement application now developed by SmileOnMyMac.

TextExpander logo

Granted TextExpander isn’t the most advanced app around. It performs a pretty simple function – it replaces short codes with text a lot like AutoCorrect in Microsoft Word or Apple’s Pages. The difference with TextExpander is that it works system wide so it will work on just about any text field. It works with plain text and rich text and can be used to add images and more.

This is a great app to use and I am trying it out for the next 30 days. One handy thing about TextExpander is that it can import existing scripts and you can download about 60 common html short codes from the SmileOnMyMac site. Very handy if you use html code a lot.

The one thing I am trying to figure out is why a whole bunch of imported shortcuts are said to be in use and won’t work. There is probably a conflict somewhere …

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  1. Grant Griffiths avatar

    This is a great app that I have been using for over a year. Love it, love it, love it.

    It really can save a lot of time typing everything from addresses to URL’s. I would urge every Mac user to try it.

    Site looks great Paul!!!!!

  2. Grant Griffiths avatar

    This is a great app that I have been using for over a year. Love it, love it, love it.

    It really can save a lot of time typing everything from addresses to URL’s. I would urge every Mac user to try it.

    Site looks great Paul!!!!!

  3. Grant Griffiths avatar

    This is a great app that I have been using for over a year. Love it, love it, love it.

    It really can save a lot of time typing everything from addresses to URL’s. I would urge every Mac user to try it.

    Site looks great Paul!!!!!

  4. Paul avatar

    Thanks Grant!

  5. Paul avatar

    Thanks Grant!

  6. Paul avatar

    Thanks Grant!

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