Is your LinkedIn profile boring?

Guy Kawasaki has a few tips for sprucing up your LinkedIn profile.  These tips are not hidden secrets but rather tips that you can employ right now and which could make all the difference to someone visiting your profile for the first time (or someone returning to your profile).  If you take a look at his post you will see his old profile and a link to his revamped profile and the changes he made are firstly to add all his positions and secondly to add more information on those positions. 

It isn’t enough to say that you were at a company or in a position from one time to another.  You really ought to add a note about that position with some information that might be of interest to a visitor to your profile.

The same principle applies to your education and other aspects of your profile.  Don’t just list the positions or milestones in your education, talk about them a little and share what you learned, experienced or did.  When you do that you show visitors a little more of you, the person, and they begin to feel like they know you a little better and people like to work with people they feel they know.

So take a look at your profile and consider whether it is time for you to do an update.

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