Okay, summary of what I said in lost post,

1) Key lies in the difference between knowledge and skill
2) Internet has commodotised knowledge
3) Requires skill to “separate the wheat from the chaffe”
4) Skill requires time to learn

So, I can download a contract, but not necessarily know if that is suitable for my business – skill is in interpretation and application (and customization).

Even though all the knowledge that I learnt in 6 years of engineering studies is available on the web, my skill has been imparted through lecturers, practical training, work experience, projects etc.

I think you have a really good understanding of the issues at hand to find the right balance. I really like the way you are sharing knowledge and insight through your blog – it keeps you at the fore of my mind when someone asks about lawyers (and I mention you when I get the chance!)

You might find that at the end of the day you will do less work, but it will most likely be more interesting and higher paying.