[…] Another criticism I share with Buckland is the absence of feeds on the Sunday Times site. Feeds are essential in a world where there is such a wealth of content and information floating around. I had a conversation with Mike Stopforth a while ago and he mentioned the need for aggregators. Any business that puts content on the Web should have feeds to allow their visitors to subscribe to their content in a way that really fits with the way they prefer to manage their content. Much of this new media evolution is presenting content to users in ways that really suits them. One of the reasons given by the Mail & Guardian for the launch of a podcast that was made in the first episode of the Mail & Guardian’s podcast is the desire to make content available to consumers of that content using a variety of platforms, whether they be paper, the Web or podcasts. It is all about making that content available in different forms and not getting too caught up on precisely how consumers of that content, well, consume it. […]