Escape the Cubicle Nation podcast

At the risk of being a real fan boy, I thought I’d mention the Escape from Cubicle Nation podcast which now have 5 episodes.  These podcasts are short and helpful bits of information from the same person who brings us the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog, Pamela Slim.  The latest episode is about negative self-talk:

When you decide to start your own business, you might find yourself plagued with all kinds of negative self-talk like:

  • I am a terrible salesperson
  • I don’t have the self-discipline required to be a successful entrepreneur
  • I will never be able to start a business because of my low credit score
  • All my competitors are more talented/experienced than I am

I am not saying that all of you will feel this all the time, but there will be moments of fleeting, and sometimes not so fleeting, insecurities that will make you feel terrible if you let them.  Most importantly, they sap the energy you need to build and market your business.

I recommend this podcast.  There are a number of ways you can download and listen to podcasts.  If you have iTunes (available for Windows and the Mac) you can subscribe to and download podcasts through the iTunes Store (even if, like me and my fellow South Africans, you can’t sign in to an iTunes Store yet) by searching the iTunes Store for the podcast you want (there is even a podcast category in the iTunes Store) and clicking on the "subscribe" button.  Another technique, using iTunes itself, is to copy the podcast’s feed address from the blog concerned, open iTunes and select Advanced|Subscribe to Podcast and then paste the feed address into that box and click "Ok".

You can also subscribe to a podcast in a feed reader like Google Reader (use the new version), Bloglines, NetNewsWire or any number of feedreaders available for your platform of choice.  Modern browsers like Firefox and Safari have feed reading capability built into them as well.

Of course you can also just download the individual podcast episodes as mp3 audio files.

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12 responses to “Escape the Cubicle Nation podcast

  1.  avatar

    Hi Leo: (I am assuming that is your name!)

    I really appreciate the recent plugs. And I have to admit that having even one “fan boy” is pretty darn cool. 🙂

    Sending good, liberating wishes to you.

    All the best,


  2.  avatar

    Hi Leo: (I am assuming that is your name!)

    I really appreciate the recent plugs. And I have to admit that having even one “fan boy” is pretty darn cool. 🙂

    Sending good, liberating wishes to you.

    All the best,


  3. Pamela Slim avatar

    Hi Leo: (I am assuming that is your name!)

    I really appreciate the recent plugs. And I have to admit that having even one “fan boy” is pretty darn cool. 🙂

    Sending good, liberating wishes to you.

    All the best,


  4. Pamela Slim avatar

    Hi Leo: (I am assuming that is your name!)

    I really appreciate the recent plugs. And I have to admit that having even one “fan boy” is pretty darn cool. 🙂

    Sending good, liberating wishes to you.

    All the best,


  5. Paul avatar

    Hi Pamela

    Thanks for your comment. Actually Leo Archer is the name of one of my companies. I didn’t realise it would be so confusing (quite a few people think my name is Leo). The Leo part is because my former partner is a Leo (star sign, not name) and the Archer is because my star sign is Sagittarius.

  6. Paul avatar

    Hi Pamela

    Thanks for your comment. Actually Leo Archer is the name of one of my companies. I didn’t realise it would be so confusing (quite a few people think my name is Leo). The Leo part is because my former partner is a Leo (star sign, not name) and the Archer is because my star sign is Sagittarius.

  7. Paul avatar

    Hi Pamela

    Thanks for your comment. Actually Leo Archer is the name of one of my companies. I didn’t realise it would be so confusing (quite a few people think my name is Leo). The Leo part is because my former partner is a Leo (star sign, not name) and the Archer is because my star sign is Sagittarius.

  8. Paul avatar

    Hi Pamela

    Thanks for your comment. Actually Leo Archer is the name of one of my companies. I didn't realise it would be so confusing (quite a few people think my name is Leo). The Leo part is because my former partner is a Leo (star sign, not name) and the Archer is because my star sign is Sagittarius.

  9.  avatar

    OK, I get it … I got confused because there was no name under your “About” page.

    Thanks Paul!

  10.  avatar

    OK, I get it … I got confused because there was no name under your “About” page.

    Thanks Paul!

  11. Pamela Slim avatar

    OK, I get it … I got confused because there was no name under your “About” page.

    Thanks Paul!

  12. Pamela Slim avatar

    OK, I get it … I got confused because there was no name under your “About” page.

    Thanks Paul!

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