A book for business bloggers

007226251601tzzzzzzz I have been reading Jeremy Wright’s “Blog Marketing” for the last few weeks. I enjoyed the way he writes and the way he has structured his book. The book is written in a very readable and clear style and I don’t think a reader who is new to blogging will have much difficulty grasping the concepts and appreciating the clear value of blogging.

Basically the book is an introduction to blogging and to the reasons why blogging can be such a valuable marketing tool for businesses. A reader is taken through the basics of blogging to the tools that are used both for blogging and for participating in the blogosphere. What I like about this book is that Wright also talks about which types of blogs are suitable for aspects of a business and how to use blogs to communicate better internally. He even discusses how to approach blogging and how to deal with feedback from customers, particularly negative feedback.

This book is ideal for business readers who are not familiar with blogging or, if they are, they are not proficient in their use just yet, and who are looking for innovative ways to communicate better with both their customers and internally. Bloggers who have been blogging for a while and who use tools like Technorati, commenting, trackbacks to name a few, may find that the book deals with subject matter they are, for the most part, aware of. In that case the book serves as a great reinforcement of what they may already know and may even add to their knowledgebase or may even add a perspective that wasn’t there in the first place.

In short: This is a book you need to have on your bookshelf and one which you should read, even if you’ve been there and done that.

This is a cross-post from Grouchy Blogger.

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