Conference 2.0?

Business Day has reported that Buys Incorporated and Nicci Ferguson Incorporated, two local IT focussed law firms, will be staging an IT law seminar on 8 and 9 May 2006.  What is interesting is the format of the seminar.  It represents a departure from the conventional model of a traditional seminar involving speaker after speaker on a stage pushing ideas to the audience.  Instead –

At empowerment sessions the delegates determine the content and knowledge level, and expect practical and relevant information, toolkits and guidance, says Reinhardt Buys, MD of Buys.

“Delegates should not expect traditional seminars. They should expect a whole new audiovisual experience that informs, trains, empowers and entertains,??? says Buys. “Delegates will have the opportunity to determine which issues should be addressed and which questions answered in every session. They will also collectively determine the knowledge level of each session.???

What really appeals to me is how the information and materials will be made available to the delegates:

A searchable electronic library of legislation, judgments, toolkits, video clips, presentations, software and e-books will be made available to each delegate.

This really fits what you would expect from an IT law seminar.  The question bouncing around in my head is when do we see the next step?  When do we see a seminar of this nature broadcast across the web or even made available as a video podcast with a companion information pack available for download?

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