New South African search engine


A brand new South African search engine with a focus on the South African web has recently been launched.  Jonga has very fresh and functional search and search results interfaces.  Search results are displayed with related information in a side panel.  Take a look at this search on “Jacobson Attorneys” and see for yourself.

Here is the introductory post from the site’s launch on 5 December:

Welcome to – a South African search engine born out of pure frustration with the lack of SA-relevant results returned by search engines.  Your comments, criticism and suggestions for jonga are always well received.

Good luck guys!  I am looking forward to many happy hours searching with Jonga.

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  1. Tom avatar

    What is happening with Jonga ?
    Are they in some kind of legal pit for publishing news stories from other sites and have been forced to close down ?

  2. Tom avatar

    What is happening with Jonga ?
    Are they in some kind of legal pit for publishing news stories from other sites and have been forced to close down ?

  3. Tom avatar

    What is happening with Jonga ?
    Are they in some kind of legal pit for publishing news stories from other sites and have been forced to close down ?

  4. Tom avatar

    What is happening with Jonga ?
    Are they in some kind of legal pit for publishing news stories from other sites and have been forced to close down ?

  5. Paul avatar

    That is a good question Tom. I have been wondering what has been happening with them. Republishing news stories from other sites is potentially protected under our ECT Act but there are certain requirements. I am curious to know what happened though.

  6. Paul avatar

    That is a good question Tom. I have been wondering what has been happening with them. Republishing news stories from other sites is potentially protected under our ECT Act but there are certain requirements. I am curious to know what happened though.

  7. Paul avatar

    That is a good question Tom. I have been wondering what has been happening with them. Republishing news stories from other sites is potentially protected under our ECT Act but there are certain requirements. I am curious to know what happened though.

  8. Paul avatar

    That is a good question Tom. I have been wondering what has been happening with them. Republishing news stories from other sites is potentially protected under our ECT Act but there are certain requirements. I am curious to know what happened though.

  9. Nick avatar

    Add my web site to your search engine

  10. Nick avatar

    Add my web site to your search engine

  11. Nick avatar

    Add my web site to your search engine

  12. Nick avatar

    Add my web site to your search engine

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