Symbian, Windows Mobile … $%$^#$!

Ok fine, so I am having a strange moment here.  So what?!  Here is the issue … I have a Nokia 6630 which has been acting up because the guys at the Nokia repair centre didn’t load the upgrades properly and I find myself wondering whether it is time to move away from Nokia to some other platform like Windows Mobile or Palm (not that there is going to be much of a distinction there soon) and then I realise that none of the other platforms really have much more to offer.

I have decided to switch to an Apple iBook as soon as I have the cash to buy one and I’d like to have a smartphone that synch’s properly and completely with OSX down the line.  Are there any feature packed devices that aren’t underpowered and which really show us how connected the world really is?  Or am I just expecting too much at this time?






  1. Robb avatar

    don’t blame shoddy service on the phone or it’s OS.
    i have a 6630 and i love it. It also syncs perfectly with OSX.
    No WInMob 5.0 phones can do that!

  2. Robb avatar

    don’t blame shoddy service on the phone or it’s OS.
    i have a 6630 and i love it. It also syncs perfectly with OSX.
    No WInMob 5.0 phones can do that!

  3. Robb avatar

    don’t blame shoddy service on the phone or it’s OS.
    i have a 6630 and i love it. It also syncs perfectly with OSX.
    No WInMob 5.0 phones can do that!

  4. Robb avatar

    don't blame shoddy service on the phone or it's OS.
    i have a 6630 and i love it. It also syncs perfectly with OSX.
    No WInMob 5.0 phones can do that!

  5. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Well, good to know the 6630 will synch properly with my much anticipated iBook. Thanks for the comment Robb.

  6. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Well, good to know the 6630 will synch properly with my much anticipated iBook. Thanks for the comment Robb.

  7. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Well, good to know the 6630 will synch properly with my much anticipated iBook. Thanks for the comment Robb.

  8. Paul Jacobson avatar

    Well, good to know the 6630 will synch properly with my much anticipated iBook. Thanks for the comment Robb.

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