Holy smokes Batman, that movie rocked!

Batman_12After much anticipation, I saw "Batman Begins" this last weekend.  I was not disappointed in the slightest.  From the moment the opening scenes started and the soundtrack began, I was hooked.  In preparation for this version, G and I watched the original movie with Michael Keaton on Saturday afternoon and there is really no comparison.  Both movies have that dark feel we have all come to associate with the Batman legend (as opposed to the previous two comic book versions).

This version of the Batman story is darker and more human than earlier versions of the story.  It is the story of a Batman we grew up learning about.  This Batman is skilled, feared and powerful and at the same time he is still human.

Christian Bale really works well as Bruce Wayne and as Batman.  He plays the role so well you can believe that he really is the Dark Knight.  He was, in retrospect, an excellent choice and I really recommend this movie!  At least twice.






  1. Martin avatar


    I found myself sweating on several occasions, something which very rarely happens in a movie. Seriously tense, really human, and emotion-filled. Kick ass stuff!

  2. Martin avatar


    I found myself sweating on several occasions, something which very rarely happens in a movie. Seriously tense, really human, and emotion-filled. Kick ass stuff!

  3. Martin avatar


    I found myself sweating on several occasions, something which very rarely happens in a movie. Seriously tense, really human, and emotion-filled. Kick ass stuff!

  4. Martin avatar


    I found myself sweating on several occasions, something which very rarely happens in a movie. Seriously tense, really human, and emotion-filled. Kick ass stuff!

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