Over 44 000 000 Firefox downloads so far

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Wow!  There is a rough counter on the Spread Firefox site and it registers over 44 000 000 downloads.  Now that is impressive.  The current counter is also linked to a feed which presumably updates.


I have inserted a counter linked to the feed from sfx (hopefully) on the right.






  1. Tom avatar

    Rough? No, the counter isn’t so important as to need an image. Plus, it’s ‘less is more’ philosophy. You get the counter, and it doesn’t take too much space, so more stuff gets to go above the fold. I like the counter.

  2. Tom avatar

    Rough? No, the counter isn’t so important as to need an image. Plus, it’s ‘less is more’ philosophy. You get the counter, and it doesn’t take too much space, so more stuff gets to go above the fold. I like the counter.

  3. Tom avatar

    Rough? No, the counter isn't so important as to need an image. Plus, it's 'less is more' philosophy. You get the counter, and it doesn't take too much space, so more stuff gets to go above the fold. I like the counter.

  4. Tom avatar

    Rough? No, the counter isn’t so important as to need an image. Plus, it’s ‘less is more’ philosophy. You get the counter, and it doesn’t take too much space, so more stuff gets to go above the fold. I like the counter.

  5. Tom avatar

    Rough? No, the counter isn't so important as to need an image. Plus, it's 'less is more' philosophy. You get the counter, and it doesn't take too much space, so more stuff gets to go above the fold. I like the counter.

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