“Mozilla Is Gaining On Godzilla”

BusinessWeek Online posted an article on 12 January 2005 titled "Mozilla Is Gaining On Godzilla".  This is yet another article charting the amazing growth of Mozilla Firefox.  To quote Steve Hamm, the journalist –

How’s this for a mismatch? On one side, you have Microsoft (MSFT

), the world’s largest software company, with $37 billion in revenues

and 57,000 employees. On the other is the Mozilla Foundation, a

nonprofit with a $2 million budget and just 16 employees wedged into a

single room in a Mountain View (Calif.) office park.

It’s Godzilla vs. Mozilla, and Mozilla is a midget. Yet the pipsqueak

is pulling off a feat that would have seemed preposterous a year ago.

It’s taking chunks of share from Microsoft in the Internet browsing

market. According to a survey released Jan. 12 by Web site analytics

firm WebSideStory, Mozilla’s free Firefox browser has grabbed a 4.6%

share over the past six months and seems well on the way to its stated

goal of 10%.

Yup, it won’t be long before Get Firefox! is right up there as the browser of choice.  I am curious what Microsoft is going to come up with when they release their new version of Internet Explorer in a couple years.  That will certainly raise the bar for all other browsers, including Get Firefox! and that can only be good for the industry as a whole.

In case you didn’t notice, I am a dedicated Firefox fan!

Get Firefox!






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