Tag: platform

  • Facebook can’t censor your blog posts

    Facebook can’t censor your blog posts

    Don’t use services you don’t control as your primary way to share with the world. Facebook can’t censor your blog posts. Publish important stuff on your platforms.

  • IFTTT v Pinboard – BFFs again

    IFTTT v Pinboard – BFFs again

    What began as IFTTT v Pinboard seems to have transitioned to “IFTTT and Pinboard” as the two services reached some sort of agreement last week to preserve some level of integration between the two services and keep Pinboard connected to IFTTT beyond the initial transition deadline.

  • Taking the train

    I presented at a Protection of Personal Information Act seminar today and took the Gautrain instead of driving out to the venue. I took my camera with me and, on the way back, I took a number of photos at the Rhodesfield station just outside the OR Tambo airport. I enjoy taking the Gautrain (I’m not…