Tag: perception

  • The difference between failure and success when job hunting

    The difference between failure and success when job hunting

    Failure seems to define job hunting and it’s not hard to see why. Most of your applications will fail. At the same time, recognising the successes along the way could well determine whether you will survive the ordeal and achieve that ultimate success – a job.

  • How little I understand autism

    How little I understand autism

    A pair of Apple ads really highlight for me how little I understand autism and what autistic people are capable of.

  • Challenging #FML

    Challenging #FML

    At first #FML was a rare sighting online and, slowly, it began to find more use as people tweeted about their misfortunes online. The term has its own website featuring everyday uses and it is probably one of the most depressing memes I’ve seen online. https://twitter.com/clarewarwick/status/537892044753342464 Sure, some people have huge challenges in their lives…