Tag: path

  • Ello, good-bye. Stick to @Path or settle for Facebook.

    Ello seems to have captured everyone’s attention with the promise of a better social network that addresses the challenges facing Facebook for many users. I don’t have access to Ello yet but based on what I can glean from the Ello site, it isn’t anything to get excited about. Here is an extract from my…

  • Should Path be less, not more?

    Lauren Hockenson has a great article on GigaOm about the new Path releases titled “Once again, Path proves why it has been trendy but not trend-setting“. Here is a snippet: The issue with Path is that it can’t resist hopping on a new social trend. The app takes cues from practically every other social media…

  • Facebook, @Path and privacy – redux

    One of the fundamental differences between Facebook and Path is that Path is designed around privacy, Facebook isn’t. On Facebook you have to really work to retain some degree of privacy. You have to set up your sharing preferences carefully, decide whether search engines should be able to index your profile and who can re-share…

  • Dear @Path – an open letter

    Dear Path team According to my Path profile, I have been a Path user for 2 years and have shared a mere 833 moments. I’ve been thinking about Path quite a bit in the last few months and why it stands out as a better social sharing option, in theory. I have a couple friends…

  • Path is the better personal network you've been waiting for

    Path – Share Life from Path on Vimeo. Path doesn’t have Facebook’s users or nearly as much public awareness and yet it is, by far, a superior personal network. For many people, Path is the social network they were hoping Facebook would be and isn’t. I know a few friends and family who are apprehensive…

  • Why you would ditch Facebook and use Path

    I’ve found myself thinking about Path more in the last few weeks or so and when it would make sense to turn away from the mammoth in the room: Facebook? Rather than get caught up in the usual arguments against using Path, I thought I’d look at this mobile-first, personal network from a different perspective…

  • The Path not taken

    I just had my (roughly) quarterly Path checkin where I open the app and see if anyone I know is still using it. No-one new and certainly not any close friends or family members I would hypothetically connect with on Path. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but notice how nice the app is, particularly on my…