Tag: link economy

  • Publishers rediscover the link economy

    Publishers rediscover the link economy

    Publishers are returning to that old link economy model that made the blogosphere what it was but with a new name.

  • Hey IOL, it’s ok to link to Gareth Cliff’s blog post

    Hey IOL, it’s ok to link to Gareth Cliff’s blog post

    IOL mentioned and quoted from Gareth Cliff’s blog post about his dismissal from M-Net’s “Idols” without the courtesy of a link to his blog post. This devalues his work and undermines the Web’s link economy. It is also not great journalism.

  • Technopanic and bad laws

    Jeff Jarvis has covered German publishers’ efforts to prevent Google and other search engines (but mostly Google) from linking to their publications and quoting snippets of their content unless a Google pays for the privilege. These publishers seem to be ignoring the fact that Google sends a substantial amount of traffic to them in the…