Tag: kids

  • Screen time for kids during a pandemic

    Screen time for kids during a pandemic

    Back when we were in a “normal” routine, our kids’ screen time was pretty limited during the week. We only permitted them to use their phones and computers for school-related tasks during the week. On weekends, they could play (there’s a limit on the Nintendo Switch, mostly as an experiment) for as long as their…

  • The challenge of sending kids to school when you work remotely

    The challenge of sending kids to school when you work remotely

    This tweet basically encapsulates the challenge of trying to persuade kids to go to school when you work remotely (and from home): In discussions like these, you just need to resort to your authority as the parent … 😂 unsplash-logoNeONBRAND

  • Austrian Grand Prix Spoiler Alert Fail

    Austrian Grand Prix Spoiler Alert Fail

    I sat down to watch the pre-recorded Austrian Grand Prix after work. My son came up to me … Son: Do you know who won the race?Me: No, I haven’t looked. I just want to watch the race. My son left the room, and returned a few minutes later. Son: Can I show you something?Me…

  • Today’s alternative to my usual run

    Today’s alternative to my usual run

    I finally took some time to get outside, and exercise for the first time in about a week. I was going to do my usual run (it’s effective but I don’t particularly like it) when my daughter asked me to take her to the park. I was about to say “No”, and that I wouldn’t…

  • Teaching kids fractions

    Teaching kids fractions

    Our son is learning fractions at school. He’s finding them a little challenging, so I’ve been trying to help him. On one hand, my math knowledge still seems to be sufficient at his level. On the other, I don’t remember doing this stuff like he does it at school. I found a couple links that…

  • Building a computer with my daughter and Hello Ruby

    I bought the Hello Ruby books for my daughter a couple months ago. She was interested in learning to code, and I had recently watched Linda Liukas’ wonderful TED talk about how she came to write her books. So I bought both of the Hello Ruby books: one about programming, and the other about computer…

  • Married For 12 Years

    Married For 12 Years

    Today Gina and I have been married for 12 years. I’ve had the opportunity to wake up next to her almost every morning in those years (well, and a year or two before that too 😁).

  • When kids start treating the staff poorly

    When kids start treating the staff poorly

    Reconcilable Differences #66, titled “Inherent Injustice”, is both hilarious and cringeworthy for parents. The hosts, Merlin Mann and John Siracusa, were talking about raising young kids, setting examples for them, and issuing parental edicts.