Category: Publishing

  • Learning from others with RSS

    Learning from others with RSS

    I placed more emphasis on RSS feeds when Twitter started its Musk-infused decent into madness, as an healthier way to keep up to date with the news sources and people I follow. Rather than heading to Twitter to scroll through my curated Twitter lists, I started spending even more time in my RSS feeds in…

  • The blog helped build the Web, not break it

    The blog helped build the Web, not break it

    I read some wonderful ideas about personal sites as cultivated digital gardens over the weekend (here, here, here, and here), and one post that was linked to in one of these posts caught my attention. It was Amy Hoy’s post titled “Stacking the Bricks: How the Blog Broke the Web“. We built every new page…

  • Still working on a more convenient publishing workflow on mobile

    Still working on a more convenient publishing workflow on mobile

    My publishing workflow for my site on desktop is convenient enough. I’d love to be able to share on mobile as conveniently. I’m just not there yet. That’s probably why this quote resonates with me: This is important. I need to enjoy the workflow and publishing experience. For me, it’s technical and I want to…

  • It makes no difference

    It makes no difference

    This quote echoes my inner musings about my blog lately (as much as I love having my own space on the Web): Seriously, who cares when anything on my site got posted. For the vast majority of things I’m writing it makes absolutely no difference what-so-ever.  My blog is a digital garden, not a…

  • Make your Web

    Make your Web

    I enjoyed Tantek Çelik‘s recent talk at beyond tellerrand // DÜSSELDORF 2019. If you’re interested in the IndieWeb, or just curious why having a personal site is still so important, make yourself a beverage and enjoy: Featured image: IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018 | Day 1 by tollwerk GmbH, licensed CC BY NC SA 2.0

  • Silence is not necessarily golden for Evernote

    Silence is not necessarily golden for Evernote

    I’ve been an Evernote user for well over a decade, and I used it daily until a couple years ago. I have almost 29,000 notes (a fair number of these notes are automatically captured using IFTTT workflows). In recent years, Evernote has been pretty quiet on its blog, and while it’s released updates to the…

  • Twitter’s conversational problem is that it’s not suited to have one

    Twitter’s conversational problem is that it’s not suited to have one

    Recode’s article titled “How hard is it to have a conversation on Twitter? So hard even the CEO can’t do it.” highlights a perennial challenge on Twitter: having a coherent conversation about pretty much anything – There simply wasn’t enough room to have the kind of nuanced conversation the subject requires. It was symbolic of…

  • My blog is 14 years old, today, and it’s a big day for blogging

    My blog is 14 years old, today, and it’s a big day for blogging

    Today is a Big DayTM For Blogging, but probably only for me. Today is this blog’s 14th birthday! On 6 December 2004, I wrote my first post on this WordPress blog: It was originally at a different domain, and has evolved over the last 14 years. I probably have a fair share of somewhat trashy…