Category: Applications

  • VS Code has a little too much of the old Microsoft

    Update (2018-09-18): I had this wrong. I was able to disable the Live Share and Azure extensions in VS Code. I just wasn’t paying close enough attention to the error messages I highlighted below. You can disable the both the Azure and Live Share extensions by first disabling their dependencies. In the case of Live…

  • Now even more IndieWebified

    Now even more IndieWebified

    I just watched Chris Aldrich’s tutorial on how to configure a WordPress site for IndieWeb use. In other words, how to setup your WordPress site as pretty dynamic hub on the Web using a variety of IndieWeb technologies and plugins. The tutorial runs to about two hours, but it was worth watching. It certainly helped…

  • Spending more time with MarsEdit

    I’ve been using MarsEdit for several years, just not particularly regularly. I do seem to fairly consistently underestimate what @danielpunkass has been able to achieve with it, though.

  • Write: where handwriting and digital editing meet

    Write: where handwriting and digital editing meet

    Write is a curious product. The goal is to take your handwritten notes, and make them editable in a digital format.

  • A feed reader that lets me comment and like?

    A feed reader that lets me comment and like?

    I use Feedly to subscribe to sites that I follow. I was just reading through some of the feeds, and I realised that I don’t seem to have a way to give feedback on posts, from Feedly. For example, if I read something that I like, I’d like to, well, “Like” the post, or leave…

  • Screenshots from my browser console? Oh Firefox, you spoil me!

    This is awesome, particularly the ability to screenshot specific elements using element-specific flags: Firefox DevTools has now added a screenshot command, so you can take screenshots directly from the Console

  • An alternative to Israel’s expensive Microsoft licensing dilemma

    An alternative to Israel’s expensive Microsoft licensing dilemma

    Interesting article on OnMSFT: Israel, scared off by Microsoft subscription deals, won’t renew Office licensing agreements: Under the current deal with Microsoft, Israel pays about $27 million a year for Office on the desktop, Windows, and server software being used across the government. The ministry issued a bold statement, saying “This will also encourage government…

  • Elephants all the way down

    I’ve been trying to follow discussions about a return to blogs as a preferred, personal publishing tool, and how they could integrate with Mastodon. One technology that comes up as a possible way to connect blogs to Mastodon is WebSub (formerly PubSubHubbub). I read a bit about using Bridgy Fed to do this a while…