Category: Mindsets

  • Thinking iPhone 4 thanks to HTC

    Rich Mulholland showed me his iPhone 4 the other day and he made an interesting comment. Rich has historically not been a fan of Apple Inc although he generally uses its products. He said that he was hoping that the iPhone 4 would disappoint him like some other Apple products and it hasn’t. I’ve been…

  • Caution about using Apple's Ping in South Africa

    I had a thought about Apple’s new music social network, Ping, and a potential risk for South Africans who have hacked US iTunes Store accounts (in other words, people who are using a US iTunes Store account without a legitimate US address and US credit card – similar story with other country stores too, I…

  • Amazon Kindle free 3G – "free" as in $2 more

    It turns out that when Amazon says international Kindle users get free 3G for their 3G enabled Kindles, they really mean international customers pay an extra $2 for their books. I just read a post on Download Squad that points out a $2 discrepancy between Canadian (and presumably US) pricing and international pricing. Since I’m…

  • Transparency in government and media freedom

    I watched a video produced by the White House which I found really interesting for a couple reasons. West Wing Week: 8/20/10 or “Turkey Turkey and a Jammer” from The White House on Vimeo. This week, travel with the First Family to Panama City Beach, Florida for a weekend of swimming, mini-golf, and meeting with…

  • An iPad contrarian ramble redux

    I thought a bit more about my somewhat disjointed ramble about iPads, Kindles and other devices over the weekend and thought I’d do this follow up after a conversation I had yesterday about the unfashionable iPod classic. I was chatting to a friend about iPods and we started comparing the iPod classic to the iPod…

  • Independent News & Media loses the plot with premium offer

    In a move that would probably impress Rupert Murdoch, the Independent News & Media group has launched a premium online edition of its various newspapers which is practically inaccessible to readers. This premium online edition is also likely designed to discourage readers from digital editions altogether, thus ensuring the ongoing viability of the dead tree…

  • Does Google Buzz have a chance with fickle users?

    Is history repeating itself with Google Buzz? I hope not. I became a fan of a service called Jaiku about two years ago and wrote about how it was so much better than Twitter from a feature perspective. It was designed for meaningful conversations, unlike Twitter which wasn’t (and still isn’t) really designed for conversations.…

  • How to Destroy Angels and traditional music business models

    How to Destroy Angels is a pretty new band formed by NIN front man, Trent Reznor, his wife Mariqueen Maandig and Atticus Ross in 2010, I believe. I was just browsing through posts on my Tumblr Dashboard and I came across this post on Natasha’s blog about the bands new EP which you can download…