Category: Events and Life

  • Israelis helping each other through this difficult time

    Israelis helping each other through this difficult time

    Despite being caught by surprise on 7 October, Israelis sprang into action and started helping each other almost as soon as news about the brutal attacks spread. While our government stumbles and is barely visible in this crisis, Israelis are unifying as we hoped we would (and feared we may not after nine months of…

  • Your Israel Hypocrisy Is Showing

    Your Israel Hypocrisy Is Showing

    This war with Hamas, like virtually any other conflict between Israel and terrorists, reveals international hypocrisy and the eagerness to blame Israel. It also highlights an ongoing refusal to condemn terrorist organisations like Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad for intentionally targeting Israeli civilians, and intentionally placing Palestinian civilians in the firing line.

  • Israel is at war and we are not ok

    Israel is at war and we are not ok

    As you probably know, Israel is basically at war with terrorists in Gaza. They surprised us yesterday morning with massive rocket barrages and infiltrations into cities and towns in the South. We are relatively safe, but we are not ok.

  • Imagine if Israel’s government was sincere about democracy

    Imagine if Israel’s government was sincere about democracy

    Imagine for a moment an alternate reality where the current Israel government under Benjamin Netanyahu is sincere in its stated desire to bolster democracy in Israel? What could they do with the pretty substantial majority they received in our recent elections?

  • How to respond to batsh*t crazy political environments

    How to respond to batsh*t crazy political environments

    I have been struggling with how to respond to/handle/cope with the current batsh*t crazy political environment in Israel. Particularly the so-called “Judicial Reform” legislation that our current government is pushing forward at a rapid pace. I asked ChatGPT how it suggests a Stoic would respond to this. It seemed to offer pretty sensible advice.

  • 17 years

    Today my wife and I celebrate 17 years of marriage. Our marriage is almost an adult! Is that when we should feel like adults? 🤔

  • Sufganiot


    It’s almost that time of the year in Israel: Chanukah. Besides being my favourite festival on the Jewish calendar, it is also the festival of some pretty outrageous donut variants called sufganiot. This is kinda like the Israeli version of Christmas lights and songs materialising in the months before Christmas. Well, we have some of…

  • The Sock Pocket Universe

    The Sock Pocket Universe

    I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a Sock Pocket Universe that is generated by our aging tumble dryer. No matter whether paired socks enter the dryer, there is always a sock missing. The drum is sealed, so the only logical conclusion is that the motion of the dryer generates a rift in spacetime,…