The Open Web fosters opportunities

Emre Sokullu has a terrific post title “Why we should all care about the Open Web“. It’s probably aimed more at people who are curious or on the fence about the Open Web.

He deals with a couple core themes which are well worth reading about. Much of the Open Web’s value comes down to this statement for me:

Open web is equal to open data. And data fosters innovation and creates new opportunities.

The Open Web is not a hot topic for most people. It’s pretty esoteric and it will probably remain the domain of a pretty small group of people for years to come.

Still, it’s a drum worth beating.

As dismissive as many people are about maintaining a blog or site of their own (I have a half-written post about this somewhere), the time for indie sites isn’t over yet.



5 responses to “The Open Web fosters opportunities

  1. nuclearpengy avatar

    I’ve been thinking more and more about permanence on the web lately. I’m starting to think about where content I produce will live in the future and how to keep it alive. Projects like the Web Archive are important but I’m also starting to think that family websites, even if they’re not public, could become really interesting and valuable resources in years to come.

    1. Paul avatar

      Absolutely although preserving those resources is a bit of a challenge.

  2. nuclearpengy avatar

    Yeah, one almost needs to have a succession plan in place with regards to hosting and domain administration.

    1. Paul avatar

      I think a more important thing is to somehow save the site in a format that can be read in the foreseeable future.

  3. nuclearpengy avatar

    Hopefully the open source blogging platforms will keep evolving and if they’re replaced, hopefully there will be migration paths so that it’s easy enough to keep the information online without a major hassle.

    Keeping a backup of content in plain text or markdown format is also a handy way of keeping the content accessible but I guess we also don’t want to end up in the situation where the file format that we choose to store our information in isn’t usable/readable anymore resulting in the information becoming inaccessible; that would be sad.

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